Termékek kávézó berendezési elemek (7)

Bliszteres csomagolás alkatrészekhez

Bliszteres csomagolás alkatrészekhez

We offer high-quality blister packaging in various sizes and with materials suitable for sterilization, using market-leading production machines and certified blister materials.
Szervomotorok és meghajtók - Ipari automatizálás alkatrészei

Szervomotorok és meghajtók - Ipari automatizálás alkatrészei

PL Control Ltd has successfully marketed various automation components widely used in the industry, and our experience in the drive and control equipment market has shown that the price -quality ratio is one of the most important in making specific decisions in automation. Our products are optimum in terms of opportunity, with reasonable prices, representing an excellent alternative to the products offered by other leaders in the industry.
Elektromágneses Szelep (Elektromágneses Aktuátor) 9202000

Elektromágneses Szelep (Elektromágneses Aktuátor) 9202000

Електромагнитен вентил от месинг с директно действие G 1/4, Dy 3.2 mm - Електромагнитните вентили са устройства, осигуряващи с помощта на електромагнитен привод управление на протичането и спирането на флуид по тръбопроводите. Електромагнитните вентили са предназначени за вграждане в автоматични системи в машиностроенето, енергетиката, химическата промишленост и др. Каталожен №: ЕМВ 9202000 (G 1/4; Dy 3.2; 2/2 пътен) ЕМВ 9202000 Висококачествен електромагнитен вентил (Електромагнитен клапан) с директно действие произведен от месинг. Работен флуид: вода, въздух, газ, нефтопродукти и др. Работно налягане от 0 Бара. Лесна подмяна на електромагнита (бобината). Компактен дизайн. Всички стандартни напрежения.
Műanyag alkatrészek gyártása, Injekciós öntés

Műanyag alkatrészek gyártása, Injekciós öntés

We manufacture high-quality components of various sizes and materials, including PP, PE, PET, TPE, silicone, PC, PS and ABS. We have different sized machines and capabilities for 2-component molding.
Nyomtatás műanyag alkatrészekre

Nyomtatás műanyag alkatrészekre

We offer high-quality printing with capabilities for cylinder screen printing or flat surface pad or screen printing, using market-leading production machines and certified inks.
Programozható Logikai Vezérlők & Szervorendszerek & HMI - Komponensek ipari automatizáláshoz

Programozható Logikai Vezérlők & Szervorendszerek & HMI - Komponensek ipari automatizáláshoz

PL Control Ltd has successfully marketed various automation components widely used in the industry, and our experience in the drive and control equipment market has shown that the price -quality ratio is one of the most important in making specific decisions in automation. Our products are optimum in terms of opportunity, with reasonable prices, representing an excellent alternative to the products offered by other leaders in the industry.
Ultrahangos hegesztés műanyag alkatrészekhez

Ultrahangos hegesztés műanyag alkatrészekhez

We offer high-quality ultrasonic welding, using market-leading production machines.